Mission Statement:

It is our intention to provide our customers with a video that exceeds the current market standards for a $20 instructional DVD. We prefer to make the video more affordable to more skydivers to help reverse the alarming trend of decreasing USPA membership. By providing visual aids early on in the learning curve our videos help eliminate some frustrations that new jumpers tend to encounter as they are learning about the sport, thus, increasing the likelihood that they will continue in the sport.


Dealer Information:

The main purpose of this video is to help educate as many students as possible with basic packing instructions and to give them some good general "working knowledge" of the equipment involved in sport parachuting. We offer extremely substantial discounts to drop zone owners and gear stores in the hopes of educating the masses quicker. If you are a DZO or gear store owner, you can order multiple quantities of the video for sale in your business. This video is a good supplement to a packing class.

Copyright © Kennene Productions 2007-2018. All Rights Reserved.
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