Matt Davies - FAA Licensed Senior Rigger About Packing Made Simple Video

Matt Davies, Certified Instructor and FAA Certified Rigger, has put together a compilation of different training aids and instruction in this full length, full color NTSC DVD video.

Ever wonder what the secret is to getting that new canopy into the deployment bag? Matt answers that question and many more in this video.

Incorporated into this instructional video are 3D graphics explaining the RSL, parts of a parachute system, and how a 3-ring release works

As an S&TA , Matt has fully committed himself to the highest standards of safety and training in sport parachuting.

He provides clear, accurate and patient instruction on packing your main parachute and giving you the basic knowledge necessary for understanding the equipment and safe skydiving.

Riggers Friend Database Information

Welcome to Riggers Friend Database. First some basic information about this program. This program is distrubuted with the Microsoft Access Runtime, which provides a means of opening and editing the database.

It is designed in such a way that your customers are automatically emailed a reminder when their reserves are within 10 days of going out of date. It will also send out an email reminder letting them know when their AAD is within 1 month of needing service. It is therefore very important to make sure that you have valid email addresses from your customers, otherwise the email reminder function will not work. The emails are sent automatically when the program is opened.

You can download the free demo below. The demo is fully functioning but will only work 25 times. After that, in order to keep using it, you must purchase a registration code which will be emailed to you. After putting in the registration code, it will "unlock" the program and you can continue using it. Any entries you make while in "demo" mode will still be there when you unlock the program.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, if you are interested in becoming a dealer, please contact us about special pricing.

Riggers Friend Screenshots - Click on image to view larger

Purchase Riggers Friend Database Download Demo

Dealer Information

The main purpose of this video is to help educate as many students as possible with basic packing instructions and to give them some good general "working knowledge" of the equipment involved in sport parachuting. We offer extremely substantial discounts to drop zone owners and gear stores in the hopes of educating the masses quicker. If you are a DZO or gear store owner, please contact us HERE, or through our contact page, and we will be more than happy to send you our multiple quantity price list. This video is a good supplement to a packing class.

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